The little moments and the big moments in my life:
living in joy, running my heart out & following my dreams.

Monday, April 30, 2012

"How-to" Create Mosaic Art

I love doing mosaic projects and I have had several people ask me how to do them.  So here it is . . .  The Mosaic "How-To" Tutorial!!  Make sure you have everything you need before you get started and, most importantly, have fun!

You will need:
  • Your base project (whatever you plan to mosaic  . . . a garden stepping stone, a rock, a planter, etc)
  • Tiles (You can find precut squares and pre-cut designs online or at craft stores such as Hobby Lobby OR you can break your own ceramics)
  • Tile nippers
  • Tile Glue and Grout Sealer
  • Grout (I prefer dry grout that you mix as you go)
  • Sponge and/or sponge brush
  • small old paintbrush
  • large old or disposable bucket for mixing grout

My latest project was a mosaic bird bath.  I used the large base of a terra cotta planter and a pre-cut hummingbird tile design.

Make sure you start with a clean area. Wipe any dust or debris off of the area you are planning to tile/grout or your glue will not stick well. If you are using a pre-cut design, lay it out in the desired area. If you are doing a free-hand design, I suggest drawing your design in pencil on your project. I have also used traced designs on tracing paper.

Once you have your basic design layed out, start adding tiles around the main piece.  I never glue anything down until I have the tiles arranged exactly how I want them!  Depending on your project, you will need to cut the tiles into various shapes and sizes so that everything fits appropriately.  This is where the tile nippers are needed!  I have tried several types of tile cutters, but these are the best!  (Be very careful, tile has been know to fly during the cutting process.  Wear protective eye wear if desired).

You can lay pieces in an ordered or random pattern.

Continue laying out tiles until your project area is filled in.

Glue tiles to project!  I have found it is easiest to squeeze some glue into a disposable cup and paint the glue on with an old small paintbrush.  Very carefully lift one tile at a time and replace.  I usually start with the center or the main design.  You may want to use tweezers for any tiny pieces.

Once the tiles are all glued, let your project sit for 6-8 hours or even overnight. 
 (I find this to be the hardest part of the whole project!!)

You are ready to grout!  You can buy premixed grout or you can buy powdered grout.  I prefer the powdered grout that is specifically for mosaic projects.  Mix the grout according to directions in an old bucket (make sure you add a little water at a time).  You want the mixed grout to be thick & smooth.  You can also add color to the grout at this point.  You can purchase powdered grout dye or I have even added a small amount of latex paint.

Press grout into all the grooves and in-between tiles.  Make sure you cover the surface well.

Once you have grouted the entire surface, let your project sit for about 10 minutes.  This is a good time to wash out your bucket with a garden hose.  Don't wash extra grout down your kitchen sink!!

Start wiping the area with a clean sponge.  Slowly wipe off the excess and smooth out the grout around the tiles.  I like to have a small bucket of water close by to rinse out the sponge as I go.  Continue to wipe the grout away and clean up the area until you are satisfied with the way the grout looks.

Allow the grout to set overnight in a cool dry place.  Wipe area with a soft cloth to remove any loose grout when fully dry.

Using a sponge brush, apply a coat of Mosaic Grout Sealer to your project. 
This will help repel water if your project will be outside and extends the life of the grout. It doesn't make your project waterproof.  Since I am using my mosaic as a birdbath I am going to add a layer of clear acrylic paint.

After your sealer has dried for 1-2 hours, your project is complete! 

I will attach the base to the terra cotta pot with a healthy amount of gorilla glue and it will reside in my GGG Memorial Garden.  I think I will also add a row of red tiles around the bottom for extra color!!

A few of my previous projects:

Stepping stone.  This poor guy needs some fixing up!  One of my first projects I did with my mom more than 10 years ago.

Erica & I did these sweet lady bugs.  We used large landscaping rocks.  We drew on the rocks with sharpies to define what area would be head/wings/eyes.

Bowling ball turned gazing ball in my butterfly garden.

This one is a little different, I used a form and Stepping Stone Mix to make my own stone.  You can embellish and stamp before the stone dries.

Step stool for kids bathroom.  This is my favorite project.  I traced this octopus from the towel/shower curtain and then copied it onto the wooden step stool.


Mirror above my fireplace

Mosaics are such a versatile, fun craft.  I absolutely love doing them and I hope I have inspired at least one of you.  Send me pictures if you venture into the world of mosaics!!


Monday, April 23, 2012

The kiss of the sun for pardon . . .

Gardening advice from a novice gardener:

1.  Throw out the gardening gloves.  Dirt feels good between your fingers.  (Gardening gloves will definitely save a manicure but it's just not the same).  There is something almost spiritual about getting down with the dirt and leaves and just digging.  Toss the gloves out and dig in.

2. Take cuttings/bulbs/plants from family & friends.  I'm not suggesting sneaking over in the night and stealing hostas from your neighbor.  Offer up something that you have in abundance and see if you can make a trade.  I have hostas, daffodils, lillies, lambs ear, autumn joy and much more that came from many other gardens.   Mature plants can be quite pricey and I love looking around and remembering where some of my garden dwellers came from.

3. Use your imagination.  Gardening is so much more fun if you get creative.  Use something unconventional as a planter (My aunt has old work boots filled with Hens & Chicks and once planted an old bathtub.  My dad has a fire hydrant).  Use something old that you were considering throwing away - a rusted out bucket, a rickety old chair, etc.   Make something yourself: stepping stones, mosaic decorations, bird baths. 

4. Get out there early.  My mom & I used to get a hot cup of coffee and walk thru the garden in the early morning.  The smells, the sounds, the sights . . . they are different in the early morning light.  That is one of the things I miss the most about my mom. 

Some pictures of my gardens this year . . .

 Honeysuckle & clematis climbing up our arbor
The clematis loves this spot in my butterfly garden
 Lola's favorite drinking hole . . .

 LOVE these giant hostas

Bleeding hearts. My mom's favorite.

I am a very sentimental gardener.  Most of my hostas came from my Aunt Gloria and Aunt Gilda, who got them from my mom's gardens over the years.  I LOVE knowing that my mom's green thumb once tended to them.  I try to use things in my garden that have personal meaning to me or that I have made by hand. 
 This fountain used to reside at the Graham home at Lake Tapawingo in the 1950's.  My mom had it in her yard for many years.  It had a ton of cracks and leak and was getting difficult to keep it running after all these years, so I decided to use it as a planter this year.
 Erica & I made these cute little lady bugs.
 This turtle shell is made from my Grandmother Hilgedick's wedding china.
 Memory garden stone

This statue came from my Grandfather Hilgedick's garden

 I made this gazing ball from a bowling ball that my friend Erica found at a flea market

My garden stepping stones.  My mom & I made most of them more than 10 years ago.

I have found so much serenity and healing in my garden.  Just wanted to share my little corner of the earth.   Also,  I can always use a partner on my early summer morning walks 'round the garden.  I promise you'll love every minute.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Fish Tale

Once in awhile, along comes one of those days that is made of magic.  The sun is warm and the breeze is cool.  You are surrounded by beauty & dear friends and everything seems right with the world.  Today was one of those days!

Graham, Danny & I spent the day with some old friends.  We met some friendly horses, toured a gorgeous farm, had a picnic and went fishing.  And the fish were BITING!  It was awesome to watch my boys have so much fun.  Thankfully I took a ton of pictures  . . . definitely a day I will never forget.

 Graham & Danny at Lake Jacomo

 Tractor!  The boys wanted to take it for a spin.

 One of their favorite things - an enormous rock pile!

 Dan driving the RV

 Brett & Graham.  Chillin.

 Bubba's turn!

 They even had a semi!

 Harper Quinn

Harper & Erica
 They kept pulling beautiful catfish out of the pond.

 Another big one!

Today's catch.

Good times, good friends.
Life is good.