The little moments and the big moments in my life:
living in joy, running my heart out & following my dreams.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


The new year has a way of making us all examine ourselves and start dreaming about ways that we could be better.  This year I vow to recognize and celebrate all the little things.  (In the end, they are really the BIG things.)  I vow to love more and judge less.  I vow to work on forgiveness.  I have realized that it is easy to say that you forgive someone . . .  but incredibly difficult to actually feel it in your head and heart.  I vow to be a better, more patient, more tolerant, kinder, gentler version of myself.  Happy 2013!!
I am so excited for a new season of running and races!!  I never stand at the starting line because I want to win a race.  The only person I am trying to beat is the voice in my head that tells me "I CAN'T"!! 
These are the races that are catching my eye this year . . .
  • 3-2-13, Mrs Robinsons Romp 10K Trail Race
  • 4-6-13, Brew to Brew Relay
  • 4-20-13, OZ Half Marathon
  • 6-15-13, Dirty Duo 5+ mile biking/running/MUD event
  • 8-23-13, Portland Hood to Coast Relay

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2013 Fitness GOALS
1. Run 500 miles in 2013
2. Run my 2nd half marathon
3. Run Hood to Coast Relay (again!)
4. Do something active with each of my brothers
 5. Get faster
Do it now...don't wait for will never happen 
runner runner 
This is my new running partner, Buddy.  I hope to log a TON of miles with him this year!!