The little moments and the big moments in my life:
living in joy, running my heart out & following my dreams.

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Last night, I was lying in bed thinking about my life.  Thinking about gratitude.  Thinking about my many blessings and how my cup always seems to "runneth over".  This year, our family made a "Thankful tree" and every day in November we recorded what we were thankful for (on little leaves) and added them to our tree.  It was awesome to see what my kids came up with.   My favorite leaves were "snacks", "backhoes", "Jesus", "music" and "my hot wife".   

Here are some of the things in my life that I am grateful for this year:
I always dreamed that my brother and I would raise families together.  At one point in my life I almost gave up on that dream.  My heart is bursting with happiness that our kids have eachother to grow up with.  It is so much fun to sit at a full, loud "kids table" with people you love. Cousins by blood, friends by choice. 
I started running a little more than two years ago and it has given me so much.  It has become a part of me and I can't imagine a day when I don't run.  I love running with my girlfriends . . . talking about our lives, our husbands, our dreams. I love that feeling of awe when my body does something I never thought possible. I love crossing a finish line and the feeling of accomplishment that fills me up.  I love running races and I love jogging through my neighborhood watching winter become spring and summer become fall.   I have been on amazing adventures and made some incredible friends . . . all because of a little running.
My first niece, Margot Irene, was born on November 11th.  She is beautiful and sweet, and I can't wait to watch her grow.  Congratulations to Meg and Karl!

I am one lucky girl.  And I am pretty sure I don't tell my husband that fact often enough.  So I will say it now.  He is incredible.  He is almost always right.  He is always here for me and for our kids when we need him.  He is goofy and sweet and hard-headed and hard-working and meticulous and generous and I cannot imagine taking this journey with anyone else.  We will celebrate 10 years of wedded bliss in 2013!
8-9-2003, Beaver Lake
February 2011, Sanibel Island
There are no words.  I cannot find the words that adequately capture how I feel about these 3 little people.  To the moon and back doesn't begin to describe the depth and width and magnitude of my love.  They are my world and I am so grateful for every single day I get to share with them.


JAN 31.6
FEB 23.64
MAR 63.07
APR 40.95
MAY 29.1
JUN 38
JUL 35.48
AUG 50.87
SEPT 20.2
OCT 15.72
 NOV 28.3
TOTAL: 376.9 miles
GOAL: 400 miles in 2013 
23 miles to go in December to reach my goal!!